What is the ProScheme?
Now I know many of you might be reading this and thinking well I don't even know what the ProScheme is. Well hopefully this short blog will be able to give you all the information you need to fully understand it!
So the reason for the ProScheme is for the parents, coaches and most importantly the children can see and track how they are progressing. The ProScheme Testing is easy to follow and is designed to provide children with both the opportunity and reason to practice outside of the sessions. It is this self regulation and home practice that we believe is imperative should players wish to become the best that they can be.
All this is kept on an online data base which is accessible for the children and yourself to go on and have a look at their profile.
Furthermore, each child receives a ProScheme poster that they can use to track their progress ever further. This poster is a mirrored image of their online profile. So if they complete a section at home on their own let your coach know straight away by sending them a video!! This is so we can update the online profile and then the children can fill in their posters.
How does it work?
Well thats simple. You know how when you play a video game (well you parents might not but I'm sure the children do) and you have lots of tasks to do in order to complete a “level” and then once you've completed them you can then move onto the following level. Well our ProScheme is exactly like that. The children must complete each section/topic of the level they are on before they can move onto the next one.
There are 7 topics: Base Moves, FreeStyle, Passing, Turning, Moves to Beat Players, Shooting and Dribbling.
Once they have completed level 1 they will have earned 1 star. Once they have completed level 2 they will have earned 2 stars. Once they have completed level 3…well you get the picture. The levels go all the way up to level 7. However, after level 3 it is proposed for successfully completing an element at that level they are awarded .1 to their level. For example someone at level 3 successfully completes the base moves section they would now be level 3.1, they then completed passing and turning so would be level 3.3, once all elements are complete they will go from 3.6 to level 4.
The stars are presented to the children on our presentation evening with a certificate by John Farnsworth and then put onto their Futsal Partnership Kit. Don't know who John Farnsworth is!?
At the presentation evening a child will receive the number of stars relevant to the full level they have completed, for example a child at level 3.3 will receive 3 gold stars but their certificate will state level 3.3.
What does it look like?
Simply go to - http://futsal-pro-scheme.co.uk/ to bring up this screen. From There click the Awards Earned in the top right of the menu.
By doing this it will then take you to this menu. Each child is categorised by surname.
Once you've clicked on your child's initial it will then bring up a list of all the children with their surname beginning with that letter. From there find your child and click their name.
This is what their profile will then look like. Yellow boxes indicate what has been achieved with their personal bests at the bottom.
How To Get Started?
Simply go out and get practicing!! Get videoing your self and send it in to your coach for them to see and who know maybe you could feature on one of our Facebook or YouTube videos!
Not A Member?
Are you not a member but want to have a go at our ProScheme? Well join us today!! Simply pop your message in the live menu at the bottom of your screen (That Blue Thing) and we will get you started right away!